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Harming the Servants of Allah

Harming the Servants of Allah

Introduction to Harming the Servants of AllahQur’anic verses about Harming the Servants of AllahAhadith about Harming the Servants of AllahThe status of the WaliAllah accepts the Du’aa of the WaliThe concept of WilayahLessonsThe misconception of...
A Comprehensive Guide for Nicknames

A Comprehensive Guide for Nicknames

IntroductionQur’anic verse on A Comprehensive Guide for NicknamesHadith on A Comprehensive Guide for NicknamesCalling by offensive nicknames taken lightlyLessons A Comprehensive Guide for NicknamesConclusionReferences Introduction This article is a Comprehensive Guide...
Aqeedah Concept Sacred Ownership

Aqeedah Concept Sacred Ownership

Introduction  Once a child is conceived, it has the right to life.  The Quran makes it very clear that all life is sacred.  It is never permissible to terminate a pregnancy because one fears being unable to financially support a child or another...