In our life journey getting closer to Allah, we can often feel hopeless or despair that we are not seeing results, or the instant manifestation of our efforts. We sometimes become frustrated or impatient. This article is about Reward Against Efforts Vs Achievement. Discover the Islamic perspective on the balance between effort and reward. Explore how the Quran and Hadith guide us on the importance of striving for excellence while trusting in Allah’s decree. Gain insights on how to maintain a healthy mindset and find contentment in both effort and outcomes But answering one simple question could help set our hearts at rest bi’ithnillah (with the Permission of Allah):
what does Allah SWT really look at when it comes to our deeds?
Table of Contents
Reward Against Efforts Vs Achievement
Difference Between Efforts Vs Results:
Lets understand the difference between efforts vs results, and the mindset we need to go in with.
1-Take it easy but know your end goal: everyone is on their own journey; some people will improve quickly, others more slowly. Some make long strides, others take baby steps. The point is, everybody will make progress in their own way, and ultimately, if the intention in wanting to get better and closer to Allah is present, and the effort is put in, then the results don’t – and shouldn’t – matter. Why? Because of the next point:
2- “There is not for man except that [good] for which he strives….” As indicated in the verses above from Surah An-Najm, Allah SWT won’t necessarily see who is number one on the results chart, but rather who used their maximum effort (in line with the correct intention for His sake). The human being will have nothing benefiting them except the efforts they made. Notice how Allah SWT never said ‘the perfect prayer or X or Y good deed’– he didn’t highlight the act itself – rather, he is highlighting the sa’ee (effort) – the striving, the struggle, the exertion
3- What better judge than Allah? Part of the perfection of Allah and His infinite mercy, is that by looking at our efforts (& of course, intentions!), He is rewarding us for the hidden just as much as the apparent. Unlike the interviewer who didn’t appreciate the days you spent preparing for the interview, or the examiner who never saw the countless nights spent in the library, Allah judges us by something that often goes unrecognised by the human mind.
By others, we are judged by our results, but by Allah, we are judged in the unseen, and in the best and most just of ways. After all, “…who is better than Allah in judgement for a people who are certain [in faith].” (Surah Al-Maidah, Verse 50)
3 Practical Tips on Reward Against Efforts Vs Achievement
And so, in order to try implement on the following topic insha’Allah, we must try and:
1) Trust in Allah regardless of our situation:
success is a combination of two things: I have to put in my effort, and then Allah will make care of that and the rest. Whatever we get as an outcome, we must understand that The One taking care of us loves us more than our own mother, and is rewarding us, regardless of the outcome of our situation – so long as our intentions and efforts are pure!
2) Change our mentality and idea of success:
our idea of success is so warped, in that it is only the ‘apparent’ or ‘by the numbers’ success e.g. how many people showed up to an event. Actually, you made all that effort not for the turnout or the numbers, but as an act of worship to Allah, so it’s already a success! Even if there’s only a handful of people in the lecture theatre hall for the talk you wanted to give, because you tried to do something for the sake of Allah, and nothing else, you’ve already been rewarded insha’Allah, in this life and the next!
3) Make dua’a for sincerity and acceptance:
‘apparent’ success is one thing, but acceptance by Allah is another. Remember, acceptance lies in the heavens, not on the earth! For “Whatever thing you have been given – it is but [for] enjoyment of the worldly life. But what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and upon their Lord rely.” (Surah Ash-Shuraa, Verse 36)
Ending Reminder
“But whoever desires the Hereafter and exerts the effort due to it while he is a believer – it is those whose effort is ever appreciated [by Allah].” (Al Isra:19)
Since this article is part of Aqeeda and Imaan, so in conclusion, success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” Since we were little kids our parents taught us some rules that they said were “mandatory” for us to always always follow no matter what. For example, respecting others, sharing, being kind and others.
Throughout the years we realized that this rules involved always being good to others, our parents since we were little kids they were teaching us that helping others and being kind was the behavior we were always supposed to follow. Many people around the world do amazing things or achievements like for example beating a Guinness World Record but basically at the end this achievements are very self-centered. We should always judge people by the efforts they take and not their achievements.
Essay On Should People’s Achievements Be Judged According… |